Thursday, 30 October 2014

Aston Martine

The ever talented Agent Walker's bold plans have evolved to the infiltration of his own family, turning his son into another scout for the Car Clash cause. Nice to have you on board, Nathan!

Nathan's first mission involved an Aston with lipstick. And a red hat. It could have been a honey trap; a femme fatale, you were lucky to escape Agent.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tequila Surprise

Hastily snapped through an office window in Brighton, here's a Bentley doing an impression of a Tequila Sunrise.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Dodgy Charger

If I didn't know the source of this - the clandestine Agent Walker - I'd have suspected a photoshop job. But no, sadly this is real.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Friday, 3 October 2014

The Dubai Beast

I have a new source. An insider. Deep undercover in the UAE, spying on monstrosities for the pleasure of Car Clash, Andy Walker is the man who came in from the cold air-conditioning. And here is his first assignment - The Beast - so named because the number plate reads "666" (watch The Omen or read some Revelations for more detail!). Gold wrap. Apparently it summered in the UK - obviously. Two in a row for pimped Range Rovers.